Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bob is going on vacation

I'm going on a cruise to Spain, Italy, and France! I'm leaving tomorrow! We have to drive to Atlanta, take a plane to Chicago, then to London, then Spain. Then we stay in a hotel, THEN we get on the boat Sunday morning. The time difference is 7 hours, so when it is noon here, it is 7 pm where i'll be!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hi, everybody!!!!!

Soo..... How's it going????

Oooh, guess what!? Bob and Joe are going to Orlando for a band trip in April!! We'll bring back tons of Mickey Mouse ears when we go to Disney World!!! (We play flute)

Sooo, I bet that no one can read this font. You can't read it because it is Webding. HAHAHA

That font was Webdings. It is done in pictures. Cool, eh?

Friday, October 9, 2009


If your new to Enchiladas, please leave a comment!!!!!!!! Bob's Mom (deputy Ivey) said that people from Oak Mtn have come to the blog!!! COMMENT!!!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Bob's applyin for asfa again.... I was going to do the Music Specialty, but it turns out you have to sing to do that.... That means i'll probably do writing again. I wish I could just play flute, no singin!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sorry we've been gone sooooo long! We know you've missed us:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bob's Birthday

This is Bob. Bob's birthday is this saturday!!! September 12! Yay! I can't tell you how old I am, but if you know me or Joe we can tell you! For my birthday you have to each give me $$100,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!!!! And be sure to get it to me by.... in ONE HOUR!!! HURRY!!!

Haha gotcha!

Welcome, BIL!

We would like to welcome our friend to Enchiladas! Her name is Bil. Welcome, Bil!!