Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bob is going on vacation
I'm going on a cruise to Spain, Italy, and France! I'm leaving tomorrow! We have to drive to Atlanta, take a plane to Chicago, then to London, then Spain. Then we stay in a hotel, THEN we get on the boat Sunday morning. The time difference is 7 hours, so when it is noon here, it is 7 pm where i'll be!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Hi, everybody!!!!!
Soo..... How's it going????
Oooh, guess what!? Bob and Joe are going to Orlando for a band trip in April!! We'll bring back tons of Mickey Mouse ears when we go to Disney World!!! (We play flute)
Sooo, I bet that no one can read this font. You can't read it because it is Webding. HAHAHA
That font was Webdings. It is done in pictures. Cool, eh?
Friday, October 9, 2009
If your new to Enchiladas, please leave a comment!!!!!!!! Bob's Mom (deputy Ivey) said that people from Oak Mtn have come to the blog!!! COMMENT!!!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Bob's applyin for asfa again.... I was going to do the Music Specialty, but it turns out you have to sing to do that.... That means i'll probably do writing again. I wish I could just play flute, no singin!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Bob's Birthday
This is Bob. Bob's birthday is this saturday!!! September 12! Yay! I can't tell you how old I am, but if you know me or Joe we can tell you! For my birthday you have to each give me $$100,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!!!! And be sure to get it to me by.... in ONE HOUR!!! HURRY!!!
Haha gotcha!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Kitty of the Opera
Monday, August 31, 2009
Hightlight post to read!
Haha you can't read this very well!! TOODLE DOODLE!! hahahahahha! Guess what? Me and Joe here will be playing at the pep rally tomorrow!! We are playing the fight song and stuff. I think Billy is going to dance at it... not sure... Stay tuned!
Billy needs to stop writing comments that call us slackers because we have not posted spoons yet!! We are not slackers, thank u very much!! (YOU are the slacker!!)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Twitter again...
Sorry guys, but if you want to look at our twitter updates, you have to get an account and follow us :) If you don't get an account than you are missing out on some funny stupid stuf!
Poll Winner
Okay, the winner of the poll was..... HARRY POTTER! Congratulations to the people who voted for that!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Yay!! We are finally on Twitter!! Make sure you get an account so you can see our tweets. :) I also put a gadget on the side that shows our tweets so you can always be updated!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
For most of us, tomorrow (Thursday) Is the first day of school. For some people, this is good news. For most people, this is terrible news. :D Here are some tips to help your day:
#1: If you are in band, make sure to take your instrument. Bob and Joe play flute, so if we didn't bring them, we would have to play with just our fingers, no instrument. Hehehe.
#2: Eat a taco for lunch. And breakfast. And dinner. Repeat process the next day.
#3: Do your homework. If you don't, you will cry because me and Joe will yell at you.
#4: In art class, get a handful of paint on your hand and smear it all over your enemy. Or your friend. Or some random person who happens to be sitting next to you. If you do not do this, me and Joe will yell at you. And you will cry. HAHAHA!!!
Follow all those tips ad you are sure to have an awesome day.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Spoons Sneak Peek
As most of you know, we are making a hilarious puppet show about spoons. We have taped a full show already, we just need to edit it and do voice changes and whatnot. Things to make it look funny and cool.
The Spoons shows are going to be funny, we'll just leave it at that. We have a lot of ideas to get us started on a series. Until then, you'll just have to wait! :b
HINT: The 1st show we made is not one of the ones that we listen on the post!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I like Enchiladas: The Review
Ok so Bob and Joe here, we had enchiladas tonight for the very first time. So we thought they were pretty good but not great. We are not going to change the title of the blog to be "I Dislike Enchiladas", or anything. So anyway, the enchiladas were pretty spicy, and didn't look at all how they do in pictures. We might want to try them somewhere else. PS: Spoon is going to be up soon.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Coming soon to I Like Enchiladas is Spoons! This will be a wacky puppet show done by Bob, Joe, and tons of Spoons. If you have any ideas for our first Spoons movie, leave a comment and tell us.
So far, our ideas are:
*The Phantom of the Opera: Spoon edition. (Or, The Spoon of the opera, or The Phantom of the Spoon)
*Wicked Spoons (Wicked is a musical that is really cool. Google it for details)
*Harry Potter and the Evil Spoons (We would probably change the title.)
*Spoons: The Horror movie!
Ideas from viewers:
*Peter Pan
*Mama Mia
*Other musicals
Let us know you suggestions!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Locker Decorating!
Now, you may not like everything about school, but one thing you like is your locker!! Who doesn't like locker decorating? Make sure you get a dry-erase board, a mirror and lots of magnets! One idea to make your locker unique is to use wrapping paper on the walls. Remember: Do not use glue, you will get in trouble!!
Post your own locker decorating ideas in the comments :)
Post your own locker decorating ideas in the comments :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Funny Animals Pictures: Animals in animal costumes!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Almost time for school...
Darn. School starts in just a few weeks, and we know that not many people are looking forward to it. :) Just make sure that at lunch each day, you always eat some kind of Mexican food. Either nachos, or tacos, or burritos, or, ooh, i know! An Enchilada! Those foods stick with you and keep you feeling full all day. And after a long day at school, make sure to wake up that computer and read this funny stuff. It will help your brain relax, and it might even help you with your homework! FEED your BRAIN a TACO!
Funny saying of the day: Fat kids are harder the kidnap.
Friday, July 17, 2009
That would be an awesome name for a super market. Tacos*R*Cool. Like Toys-R-Us, excet we wouldn't sell toys. We would sell tacos! And enchiladas! And Burritos! (you get the idea) If you have any ideas for that store, let us know.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Mr. Tater Tot!!!!!!

Mr. Tator Tot is friends with Mr. DB and Mr. DC. (If you forgot who those people are, they are Mr. Dancing banana and Mr. Dancing Cheese.)
(Picture of Mr. TT was taken by Bob.)
Go Mr. Tater Tot! BTW, his life long dream is to become a nurse! His second dream is to be a dentist!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Post Topics
Yes, we are still alive! Sorry we haven't been posting lately. We need something to post about here on ILE (i like enchiladas)!!!!!! So everyone come up with a funny topic for new posts and put it in the comments!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Taco, The New Kitten
Everyone say hi to our new pet, Taco, the Kitten!! (He is on the top right part of the screen.) If you click on the ground next to him, he will jump out of the basket. You can click on "more" and you can get out cat food and get his toy. Have fun!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Strange, Weird Picture
This here picture was submitted by: I Like Enchiladas Biggest Fan! Now, I'm not really sure what this thing is, but you tell me if ya have an idea.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hello everyone!! If you haven't heard about it already, we have a fansite! Someone who claims they are from France has made one because they love us sooo much.
Check it out!
Check it out!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Enchiladas: Around the World!!

Me and Joe looked on the blog-monitor thing, and there is a pie-chart that shows where people are when they look at our site. There have been some people from Australia, Peru (South America), Europe, and more!! If you are foreign, t e l l u s ! ! ! We want to know!!
And don't pull any tricks on us, because if you are lying, we will know!! We know how to check!!
Please speak in English... We don't speak foreign languages. But we do speak gibberish. Here is some: la lo hp fnd ike nnf kr soc ke mrnt sjenff sklalolelalntl iiii. (That means: Hi, how do you do, I am speaking gibberish, and you have no idea what I am saying!!!!)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
HI!!!!!!! ?????
Who is "HI!!!!!"? They have become friends with our blog, and we have no idea who they are! Leave a comment and tell us!!
Nacho-Eating Lemurs
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Joe is bored today so she would like to make a shout-out to a friend from dance! (You know who you are :))
Joe goes to the beach next month.
Remember: If you have any funny pictures please give us the link and we will post them!!!!
Joe goes to the beach next month.
Remember: If you have any funny pictures please give us the link and we will post them!!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Bob is Back, and is lovin egg!
Thanks, thanks, please stop clapping. :)
Yes, Bob is back and ready to start some funny stuffs. Keep coming back for a new poll, posts, links, pics and more!!
Thanks, Joe, for those hilarious pictures. I loved the taco-cat!
The beach was fun, but I had to come back a day early... Oh well!! Here is a funny link, to a website with a video called "I love egg". It is really funny, and Korean. (translated into English)
Just be sure that you go to the top left button that says English on it, otherwise you will just have to learn how to speak Korean.
(click on gallery for the funny videos, click on products for shirts and junk, click on cartoon for a comic strip, blah blah blah, etc ect.)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Bob's going to the beach!!
Bob is leaving to go to the beach tomorrow, (saturday) so Joe will be posting in my place. Bob might be able to post pictures of the beach, Orange Beach, to be specific, so keep getting on to be informed of Bob's vacation.
See ya soon, or in a week.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Joe's summer dance classes start today! She is doing ballet and pointe this summer. Next year i'm doing ballet, pointe, lyrical and tap. Tap is my favorite!! Its so much fun!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Joke Section
This is the blog's joke section. If you have a funny joke, then post it, and we will put it up. Here are some jokes for now.
1. How do you get a tissue to dance?
A: Put a little boogie in it!
2. What do you get when you cross a horse with a zebra?
3. Yo Mama so fat, when she sat on Wal-Mart, she lowered all the prices!
4. What happens when you follow our enchilada recipe?
5. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: Because yo Mama made it cross the road!
Thank you for listening!
Post a Comment!!!
Listen up! If you come to this blog, please post a COMMENT. I know that there are lots of amazing people that come to this website, and we want to know who. If you don't know how, we'll tell you. Look below the post that you want to comment on, then go to where it says "0 comments" or "5 comments" or whatever number. Click on it, and write what you want to say. Speak your mind. Ask a question. If enough people do, we have a suprise that we want to add to the blog. POST, COMMENT, COMMENT!
We will reply if you do!
Right now, you can post a reply to this Hot-Topic-Question:
Question: If you were a comedian, (Someone who tells jokes for a living) then what would you be like, and what jokes would you tell?
Just leave a reply and tell us your answer. If you want us to post it on the home page, just say so, and we will!
The Story of Bob and Joe

This is the story of Bob and Joe.... It's more of a legend, really. Here it is.
Once upon a time there was a clown, named Bob. She was already kind of stupid, but that was nothing compaired to how she soon would be. When Bob was wandering around, something hit her. Like, really, HIT her. She lie face down in the mud, and turned to see her brain, lying on the ground beside her. Her head didn't hurt. "I can face anything, if i can live without a brain!" She shouted, but of coarse was not thinking. She wandered far until she met her enemy, Joe. But Bob was so stupid that she forgot that Joe was her enemy.
"Hey, best friend!" Bob said.
"Waa, huh? you- you-- aahhh!!" Joe stuttered, and fell on the ground.
Bob wanted Joe to be stupid too, so she grabbed a chocolate bar and threw it at the back of Joe's head. Bob already knew that chocolate was Joe's weakness. Joe woke up, and saw her brain on the ground.
"Buddy!" Yelled Joe.
And to this day, Bob and Joe wander around, on the internet and outside, making people stupid by being random and dumb, and by throwing chocolate at the back of people's heads. Beware of Bob and Joe! You too could be stupid like them.
And, no, the picture has nothing to do with this story.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
New things since you last visited.
As I am sure you have all noticed, the blog has had some changes since you last visited. We have a new mascot, Mr. Enchilada. His picture is on the far right. We also changed the way our title looks. The title looks like cheese it melting all over it! Cool, huh? That was created by our very own Joe. Bob made Mr. Enchilada. We hope you like all the changes!
Taco Town!!!
This is a hilarious fake commercial about the most awesome taco in the world. Watch this funny video!
Amazing Cupcakes
Hamster playing the piano and eating popcorn
If you click on this link it will take you to a very funny video about a hamster playing the piano and eating popcorn.
Watch it, but ask your parent's permission first. There is nothing bad in this video, but just to be on the safe side you'd better ask.

This funny picture that Billy sent it for the contest. "Why there are not any unicorns today". Well, this picture pretty much says it all. Everyone give a round of applause for Billy's one of a kind picture! :::CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!::: BTW, the unicorns are saying, "Hate to break it to you, but we're both male"
New Contest: Unusual animals
All we want you to do is send us a link to a picture of an unusual, funky, or weird animal, then add a description, and we will put it up on the home page for the world to see. Here is me and Joe's example, "The giant anteater". The picture above shows a very large and weird animal, who eats ants, and looks like a furry elephant, except smaller. They also have long, LONG tongues that come out of their long nose, and use it for sucking up ants to eat. Like a vacuum, sort of. Please give a round of appluase for the giant anteater!
:::Clap, clap clap clap clap!!:::
These Tacos are to Die for
If you could eat a taco that was so good that you turned out like the people above, would you? Well, we know those people did. Of coarse, those bottles in their hand could be POISEN! But we would rather look at the bright side, which is that those bottles hold cola and orange soda. Or maybe those tacos are expired. Where are they anyway? Taco Bell? That's no Taco Bell I've ever seen.
We would like to give a special thank you to Billy, the contributer of this funny photo. Thanks, Billy!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Enchilada Recipe
Since we have been getting so many comments about an enchilada recipe, I am going to give you a delicious one.
Delicious Enchiladas
1 cup of melted red wax
a big chunk of styrofoam
5 dirty dish towels
9 gallons of garlic
a bunch of tortillas
Mix all indgredients together except tortillas and stuff mixture inside tortilla. Garnish with some spaghetti noodles and cool whip.
Delicious Enchiladas
1 cup of melted red wax
a big chunk of styrofoam
5 dirty dish towels
9 gallons of garlic
a bunch of tortillas
Mix all indgredients together except tortillas and stuff mixture inside tortilla. Garnish with some spaghetti noodles and cool whip.
Thank you, thank you
Thank you for all of you kind comments. (Well, some were kind)
I am sure that DC and DB will love reading them.
Oh, and be sure to make our special recipe!! You can have it for any meal! Stay tuned for more YUMMY recipes.
If you have any funny pics that you want put on the website, please leave a comment with the link to the picture, and we will put it up.
Please, keep them coming, and tell all of your friends about this website.
We appreciate it!
Mr. DC
Our friend, Mr. Dancing Banana
First Post by Joe!
Hey everybody, and welcome to the randomest blog on earth! Basically this blog has nothing to do with anything important and is just random (hopefully funny). Enchiladas are really cool so thats why we named our website "I Like Enchiladas". Here is a nice recipe that I came up with but has nothing to do with enchiladas!
Kid-Friendly Casserole
1 cup brain juice (no need for the store)
17 gallons mustard
1 cup red paint
2 cups old toenails
1 pound whole avacadoes
7 pounds broccoli stems
2 tubes super glue
Mix all ingredients together in huge mixing bowl and pour into baking dish big enough to hold all of the mustard. Bake in the oven on 759 degrees for 5 hours or until completely blackened.
Hope ya'll enjoy the recipe!!
Kid-Friendly Casserole
1 cup brain juice (no need for the store)
17 gallons mustard
1 cup red paint
2 cups old toenails
1 pound whole avacadoes
7 pounds broccoli stems
2 tubes super glue
Mix all ingredients together in huge mixing bowl and pour into baking dish big enough to hold all of the mustard. Bake in the oven on 759 degrees for 5 hours or until completely blackened.
Hope ya'll enjoy the recipe!!
Monday, May 25, 2009

No, we have never ever had an enchilada BTW, but that does not change anything. They look really tasty on the computer, and probably taste like tacos. Eat one next time you go to your local Taco Bell. If you look on the left, you will see that they look YUMMY, thank you very much.
No, Don't ask us why there is spaghetti on top of the enchilada, because we don't know.
Problem solved.
Welcome to our blog!
Welcome to our new blog, newbies.
On this website we will add only funny random things. Like, for example, dancing bananas, or singing tacos, or whatever else is on our mind. Enjoy, and if your brain explodes from reading these random things, then i suggest you find a hospital, and you might want to get all that brain juice off of that floor before it stains.
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